Human Academic Labs Foundation

March 18, 2024 Study Meeting was held.

 Theme:「The Nature of Greed

 A study day was held on the above topic.
  45 people attended.
  Thank you very much.

 Living and greed are a set.
  There are two kinds of greed.

 ’bodily greed’ and ‘soul greed’.

 The body is the body as the vehicle of the soul.
  Physical greed is for the maintenance of the body.
  Therefore, it must be controlled by the brain.

 The soul’s desire is intuition.
  Greed to live as the soul decides.
  Therefore, it must not be controlled.
  If only to fulfil the soul’s desire,
  Whatever it is, whatever you do.

 The soul’s desire is to live one’s mission, so
  It is a harsh path.
  necessary to set rewards in order not to give up on fulfilling the soul’s desire.
  That is, ‘thought greed’

 When you have achieved your 00, go to your favourite place.
  I need a lot of money to achieve 00, etc.

 Making yourself look good, mounting up, etc. are physical desires.
  Soul greed, making oneself look big to achieve a goal.

 The difference is where the desire comes from.

 Physical greed and soul greed.
  How can we distinguish between the two?

 For one thing, they use different parts of the brain.
  They are very close, but definitely different.

 The second is what state you are in.

 In the case of physical lust,
  I feel guilty or guilty.
  In other words, a state of not being pure.
  It is necessary to think about why the desire has arisen and to control it.

 In the case of soul greed,
  Doing it makes the future brighter, ideas come to you more and more.
  A realistic methodology (process) emerges and you can move forward.
  If you want to do this and at the same time ‘it might be hard or difficult’ comes up, soul greed.
  This might be hard becomes a reason to give up, a reason not to try.

 The imagination of “I might not be able to do it” actually becomes a delusion.
  Therefore, we stop thinking.
  Just concentrate on what is in front of you.

 Physical greed is not a bad thing.
  It is necessary for man to function as a living organism.
  Therefore, satisfy physical desires first.
  Balance yourself.
  In a state of good balance,
  Use your intuition to move towards your mission.

 In order to reliably identify whether it is physical or soul desire,
  First, you have to try.
  In fulfilling that desire, what do you feel and what state do you get into?
  By repeating it.
  You will be able to identify that when you feel this, it is the soul’s desire.

 Don’t make the human being the subject, make the soul the subject.
  We humans live in order for the soul to grow.
  In order to grow, we need to work hard.
  Life is full of difficulties.
  Whether or not we can find fulfilment in these difficulties.
  Whether or not we can find pleasure in overcoming them.

 Greed is the ‘fuel’ for the soul’s growth.
  In other words.
  A life without greed is a life without growth.
  It is not good to eliminate greed.

 It is not good to eliminate greed, but it is good to face it, control it and overcome it,
  The process of overcoming and moving forward
  leads to the growth of the soul.