Human Academic Labs Foundation

November 27, 2023 Study Meeting was held.

Theme:Life not going well.
      How to make it work.

 A study session was held on the above topic.
 Over 50 people attended.
 Thank you very much.

 What is life,
 not supposed to go well for the growth of the soul.
 It is because life is supposed to go wrong like that,
 To live a life that is supposed to work out.
 How should we think?
 How should we move?


What are the ups and downs of emotions?
 the element that makes our souls grow.
 What is not going well in front of us
 overcoming what is going wrong in front of us is the key to growth.
 that overcoming the challenges in front of us is the key to growth.

What goes wrong is not a negative.
 It’s the emotions that prevent us from taking action,
 It is a negative emotion.
 negative feelings.
 When that happens,
 you think that life is not going well.
Feel, think, and act.
When things go wrong,
 When things go wrong, can you do this one set?

The brain’s sensors are structured to catch the negative,
 structure is designed to catch the negative.
 This is why,
 As a human defense instinct
 When we catch something negative
 we tend to stay still and not move.
 By doing so,
 more negative energy builds up.

That is why,
 When negative emotions and thoughts appear
 When negative emotions and thoughts appear,

can we turn our attention to moving?
 This is a very important point,
 is a very important point.

What is the purpose of life?
 You have to move through various experiences to find it.
 The answer to this question cannot be found out.