Human Academic Labs Foundation

March 29, 2024 Study Meeting was held.

 Theme:「How to identify sensations, misconceptions and assumptions」

 A study day was held on the above topic.
 Over 60 people attended.
 Thank you very much.

A feeling is an intuition.
 Self-determined. What is decided.
 Sensation is understanding what the soul has decided.
 There is no reason for a feeling.
 It is a sudden thought, and you will think later about why you thought so.

A misconception is a reason first.
 A thought is an idea that comes to mind as a result of a thought.
 The human brain chooses things in the data of lived experience.
 We apply the data in our thoughts.
 The soul has a vast amount of data that is incomparable to the brain.

Assumptions are answers with conclusions.
 Intention is manipulated by information such as previous experience and statistics from the world.
 The information precedes the decision and the decision is based on the information.

You can live any way you want, as long as you live your life with people as your subject.
 If you live the way your soul decides to live,
 Mistakes are a “warning” that if you are not aware of your senses, they will shift.
 Assumptions are “alarms”.

The “why?” (wall) that arises when using the senses is a “why not? (wall).
 There is excitement, so the thought is “how can I get over this?”.

The “Why?” (wall) that occurs in a state of assumption is a “Why? (wall)” are.
 Why are you doing this? is a somewhat blurred negative feeling, like “Why are you doing this?”.

If it is an intuition, the “Why?” to “Why not?” If you have an intuition, you can immediately change the question from “Why?

When a wall or other obstacle appears and you feel lost
 Think about it in a state where you are releasing energy by activating your cells, for example by taking a walk or exercising.
 What comes to mind then is what you can do.

Do not let in information from the outside when you are lost.
 Gather information when the energy is ready.

When you act with your senses,
 you will always be able to achieve it.
 what the soul has decided is what it has decided.
 Sensation is understanding what the soul has decided.